Hey Music World, Coming Soon…”Jealous Hearted Man” The Music Video!!! From the newly released CD “The Luv Zone” Thanks For Tuning In!!!
Hello Music World, “The Luv Zone (Hard Copy Release) “You’ll find jazz and fusion licks creeping in to the mainstream blues rock sound of Jealous Hearted Man. His music takes a basic blues rock template and adds in tasty flourishes…
Most times we don’t think much about the little things we do in everyday life, or what positive impact it can create just from effort alone. For some, a life changing experience . This past summer I engaged my voice…
Hello Music Universe, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE!!!! It’s L-I-V-E!!! The Luv Zone covers a wide area of real-estate as Key take you face to face with the many love related stories, and situations tied into the heart and soul of “The…
Hello Music Universe! Here’s a glance into what’s coming soon! Stay Tuned In!!! It will be well worth your time….
Hello Music Fans, As we continue to this final phase of life in Japan. Last related post the band was doing the grand opening of the brand new super nite club called “Heaven” Top of the line architectural design, with…
Welcome Once Again Music Fans, After completing my schooling at GIT-BIT-PIT, & DIT Institute which is now the world renowned (MI) Musicians Institute. The school is located in the middle of Hollywood, which is perfect grounds for musicians who can…